Health & Safety: Electrical Safety
Connexus have moved to a programme of testing the fixed electrical parts of a property every 5 years. This is to ensure that the electrical installation within your home is safe. We really ask you when you receive a letter informing you that your electrical check is due, that you make an appointment with us as soon as possible. We will work with you and have a number of appointments available.
Clee Hill Summer Fete
Summer Fete at Three Crosses Independent Living Scheme, 28th August 2-4pm
Health & Safety: Asbestos Safety
Products containing asbestos were used in the building industry for many years until over fifteen years ago when the manufacture of such products was banned. Asbestos products do not pose a health risk as long as they are left undamaged and are protected through a paint sealant or cannot easily be disturbed.
Tenant Voice Survey 2021
We are looking for residents of Shropshire to take part in a survey in partnership with Shropshire Council and other Social Landlords within the Shropshire County.
Why the Regulatory Standards are important to us?
The Regulator of Social Housing’s role is set out in The Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 and in order to help them deliver this role, the Regulator developed a set of ‘Standards’ by which all Registered Providers (RPs) of social housing in England must comply.
Health & Safety: Legionella
Safe water supplies and good water management are fundamental to good health. This information provides practical advice and guidance to control the risks from exposure to Legionella within your home.