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Ludlow Foyer

Part of the Sustain Consortium
Foyer fun

If you're aged 16–25, the Ludlow Foyer can be a great place to live!

We can help you access some brilliant training opportunities, support you in looking for a job or help you to continue your education, and, when you are ready, we will help you move on and set up home.

Up to 13 young people live here at any one time. So, if you need somewhere friendly to live, if you want to improve your chances of getting a job and if you are prepared to sign up to a training plan with on-going support, then the Ludlow Foyer may be for you.

About Ludlow Foyer

A Foyer is a housing project that provides accommodation for young people aged 16-25 and is linked to training. It opened its doors in 2000.

Residents are given opportunities to gain new skills, either by taking up formal education courses or getting involved in centre-led projects. The training is individually tailored to each resident to enable them to become more independent, so that eventually they can take on a tenancy of their own.

Ludlow Foyer's mission is to provide a safe and supported environment for young people to gain the confidence to lead their lives in the community, often achieving new skills and making new friends along the way.

Contact the Foyer

Criteria for acceptance

Criteria for acceptance

If you are not working or in training or education, you must be in receipt of benefits or willing to apply for benefits before the start of your License Agreement or any offer of accommodation. Evidence will be required at the point of interview and acceptance.

ESA claimant applicants may be subject to specific enquiries to determine the underlying need.

Due to the nature of the service, we will complete a Risk and Needs Assessment with you to determine any risks and underlying needs you may have. This will be reviewed periodically. We may not be able to house you at this time if the risks score highly in terms of behaviour, substance misuse, violence and aggression or prevailing mental health problems. This is due to the vulnerability of other residents for who we are responsible for and have a duty to safeguard.

You must be capable and willing to engage with Foyer staff to apply and secure work, education or training. You will also need to be engaged with work, work experience, education or training for a minimum of 2 days a week. This is integral to the offer of accommodation. We offer around 8 hours of support each week. This is not negotiable. A Foyer resident may be asked to leave if there is a failure to progress an agreed support plan.

You should aim to attend agreed 1-2-1 assessment and progression meetings with your designated support worker at the Foyer. Weekly workshops are mandatory if you are not working or at college.  The Foyer is involved with the local community and therefore you must be willing to engage with occasional volunteering both inside the Foyer and outside.

We appreciate that additional support may be required from time to time with agencies such as the Community Substance Misuse team, CMHT, CAMHS, Probation services, Youth Offending or Social workers/Personal Advisor.  

Your landlord is Connexus Homes Ltd. Weekly rent and service charge are your responsibility. Rent arrears which accrue will not be tolerated.

Non adherence to the support plan may lead to the resident being served with a Notice to Leave, as the offer is directly linked to maintaining and adhering to the support plan.


Criteria for deferment/refusal   

  • The applicant is outside of the age range.
  • The applicant has support needs which the risk assessment suggests are greater than the project is able to provide. This would include a diagnosed mental health condition, or previous evidence of violence and aggression. Long term ESA applicants not willing to engage with the Foyer in terms of Education, Training and Employment may also be refused.
  • The applicants risk assessment indicates that the applicant poses a significant risk to staff, residents or other visitors or students of the Foyer.
  • The applicant does not have recourse to public funds.
  • The applicant will be unable to meet any income source to meet rent and service charge costs.
  • The applicant is unwilling to secure benefits.
  • The applicant has rent arrears from a previous tenancy.


Appeal process

  • All successful applicants will be sent an offer letter which details the offer.
  • All unsuccessful applicants will receive a letter which explains the reason why the application was rejected.


The Association operates an appeal process

Should any unsuccessful applicant wish to appeal against the decision, the appeal must be made in the writing to:

Manager, Ludlow Foyer
Marstons Mill
Portcullis Lane


If you think the Foyer might be the place for you, but are not quite sure, then we've answered a few of the most commonly answered questions to help you decide.

How much is the rent?

£291.18 per week.

How many rooms are there at the Foyer?

12 rooms and one crash pad

What would I need to bring with me?

Personal belongings, posters, stereo if you have one etc.

Who would support me?

A key worker would meet with you regularly and support you with areas you would need help with i.e. access training, form filling etc.

What training is available?

Each person has an individual training plan so it would be up to you and your support worker to decide what training you would be doing. The Foyer has a monthly program with a variety of activities.       

How do I apply to live at the Foyer? 

We only take referrals from Shropshire Council Housing Options Team so please contact them on 0345 6789005.

How can I contact the Foyer?

Phone: 01584 877111

Email: Foyerall@connexus-group.co.uk

Make a Donation

You can donate to the Foyer at any time, by dropping off items such as: 

  • Toiletries
  • Non-perishable foods 
  • Towels 
  • Clothes

Often many of our residents come to The Foyer with nothing at all.

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Funded by Shropshire Council