SDAS Donation from Plealey

28th September, 2021

Thank you Plealey!

Plealey is a village in South Shropshire who every year run a Street Market with a view to bring local people together and raise money for a local cause.

This year our Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service (SDAS) were fortunate to be nominated as their beneficiary and they raised £1,943 at the event. As they were so close to a round figure a Plealey resident donated £70 and Wendy our Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service Manager was presented with a cheque for £2,000.

It was lovely to meet a selection of people from Plealey who are dedicated year on year to pull together this community event. Due to COVID they couldn’t go ahead last year and this year they kept a relatively low profile and were still able to raise this amazing amount. It was an honour to receive the cheque on behalf of Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service. All financial donations received are ring-fenced specifically for the individuals and families we work alongside. We use it to help carpet new houses, or enable families to have trips to the beach or days out in the holidays, we buy clothes or school uniforms and shoes and in some cases we help with solicitor fees or access to therapeutic and mental health support. Financial donations enrich our service and for some families this is the life saver – THANK YOU
Wendy Bulman - Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service Manager.
Wendy being presented with cheque from Plealey for SDAS

Domestic Abuse Support