Broseley - Shared Ownership

site plan

Dark Lane, Broseley

We have 10 new Shared Ownership semi-detached available to buy, consisting of:

  • 4 x 2 bedroom homes
  • 6 x 3 bedroom homes

Each home has a private enclosed garden and the benefit of two parking spaces. 

Broseley is situated only 6 miles from the nearby town of Bridgnorth and 4 miles from Much Wenlock. Broseley sits on the lip of the wooded Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site. Broseley is in the county of Shropshire which borders Wales and is adjacent to the counties of Staffordshire, Cheshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire and the West Midlands.

To qualify for one of these homes you will need to meet two of the criteria for the local connection of Broseley. Please see the criteria for the local connection below.

Local connection criteria

Prospective occupiers of the Affordable house Dwellings must demonstrate their strong local connections to the Local Area. This requires satisfying Connexus that at least one adult member of the household meets at least two of the following criteria.

Please note the Local Area is defined in the Section 106 Agreement as the Administrative area of the Parish of Broseley. This will be cascaded out after 6 weeks to include all areas withing 10KM of site but have fewer than 3000 population. After 12 weeks this cascade area is widened to the whole of the Shropshire Council Administrative Area including settlements of over 3000 population.

  • Their parents were permanently resident in the Local Area at the time of the Applicant’s birth.
  • They were in permanent residence in the Local Area for any period of five years as a child attending a local school in the Local Area (or who for special reasons attended a school outside of the Local Area but would have been expected to attend a local school but for those reasons).
  • They are currently lawfully resident in the Local Area and have lived there for at least the last three years.
  • They don’t currently live in the Local Are but have previously lived there at some point for fifteen continuous years as an adult.
  • They are currently employed or routinely carry out self-employed work within with the Local Area or five kilometres of the site.
  • They have a confirmed written offer of employment within Local Area or five miles of the site.
  • They can demonstrate active community involvement in the Local Area sustained for a period of at least the last two years or are determined by the Parish Council to have some other form of strong local connection to the Local Area.
  • Their parents currently live in the Local Area or another close family member who provides or requires a substantial degree of support currently lives in the Local Area.
  • If over fifty years of age, they have a close family member currently living in the Local Area.

Dark Lane available homes


Plot 19 - Dark Lane

2 Bedroom home, to buy from 25% £53,750

Plot 20 - Dark Lane

2 Bedroom home, to buy from 25% £53,750

Plot 21 - Dark Lane

2 Bedroom home, to buy from 25% £53,750

Plot 22 - Dark Lane

2 Bedroom home, to buy from 25% £53,750
3 bed

Plot 1 - Dark Lane

3 bedroom home, to buy from 25% £65,000

Plot 2 - Dark Lane

3 bedroom home, to buy from 25% £65,000
3 bed

Plot 3 - Dark Lane

3 bedroom home, to buy from 25% £65,000

Plot 4 - Dark Lane

3 bedroom home, to buy from 25% £65,000
3 bed

Plot 23 - Dark Lane

3 bedroom home, to buy from 25% £65,000
3 bed

Plot 24 - Dark Lane

3 bedroom home, to buy from 25% £65,000
Connexus have backed a letter to Secretary of State Roberty Jenrick MP, calling for more Government investment in affordable rural housing.

About shared ownership

The chance to buy a share of your home
Houses from above

Shared ownership properties

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About Shared Ownership

The chance to buy a share of your home