Young Persons Service

Connexus are delighted to have successfully tendered to provide the new Young Person’s accommodation service in Hereford.
Connexus will be delivering high-quality supported accommodation in Hereford City Centre for young people aged 16 to 25 years from 1st March 2021.
Providing training opportunities, offering residents the opportunity to learn new skills at Connexus’ Brierley Court learning hub, with both in-house initiatives and the opportunity to take up formal educational qualifications. Residents will be housed in high-quality accommodation with 24/7 support.
You can donate to the Young Persons Service at any time, by dropping off items such as:
- Toiletries
- Non-perishable foods
- Towels
- Clothes
Often many of our residents come to us with nothing at all.
16 Bed spaces in Hereford City Centre location in a mix of 1 and 2 bedroom flats with the building staffed 24/7 for young people aged 16-25
The Supported accommodation offers young people the opportunity to develop skills to maintain a healthy lifestyle, access volunteering opportunities, follow a vocational course, attend an educational placement, access an apprenticeship, gain employment, manage their finances, develop domestic and social skills, where required address offending behaviour or substance misuse and to have every opportunity to realise and achieve their aspirations and reach their full potential.
Connexus support the council’s commitment to its care leavers as Corporate Parent. The Corporate Parent role means the collective responsibility of the council, elected members, employees, and partner agencies, for providing the best possible care and safeguarding for the children who are looked after by us.
We can only receive referrals via Hereford Council Housing Solutions Team and their Children’s Services team.
We offer Housing Support and Mediation Services to young people aged 16-25yrs in the county of Hereford
We support young people to identify how they can manage their own needs, mitigate risks and take up opportunities. There will be a particular focus on supporting them to obtain or maintain accommodation, or where homelessness is inevitable, to support them in securing and maintaining suitable alternative accommodation.
We use innovation and flexibility in working to promote confidence, participation and independence amongst young people and their integration within the community
Our Mediation Service will help to prevent youth homelessness by supporting young people to maintain existing accommodation where safe and appropriate to do so and assist them to create a planned move to independence. Also so Young people are able to enjoy a positive family life and receive the support of the family they reside with.
Contact for completed referrals or for more information
Funded by Herefordshire Council