We're rooting for you!

Interviewing isn’t easy and believe us when we say “we’re rooting for you”; we want everyone to be able to do their best.

We know it can be daunting to put yourself out there and sometimes the unknown interview processes make things even scarier! So, we thought we’d help by sharing a little about what you can expect from us in terms of our approach to recruitment.

We recruit for lots of different roles from plumbers to IT, so our recruitment approaches will vary slightly based on the role we’re recruiting for as we want to make sure it's relevant. However, whether you’re looking to join us as a surveyor, a data analyst, or any other role, here are some of the key things you can expect to see.

Why not join our team

Getting into the process

We have a careers page where we’ll advertise our roles. From here you can apply directly through our recruitment platform. Like most companies, we also post our roles on social media, for example, LinkedIn and Facebook, as well as advertising on Indeed and Total Jobs.

On our adverts, we’ll include: the salary, the hours of work, the location of the role and whether it is a permanent or fixed term. We’ll advertise our closing date; the date we’ll be shortlisting candidates and the date or dates we’ll be interviewing – to help you plan and prepare.

If you need help at any point or you have any questions, you can contact our team at recruitment@connexus-group.co.uk, who are there to support.

What are we looking for?

We know it’s tricky as initially, we don’t get to meet you, we just see what you’ve put down on paper. This is why it’s really important for you to review the job role profile and tell us as best as you can, how you’re the perfect fit! To do this we’d be looking for examples of where you’ve done similar work before, or you can tell us about how your transferable skills would help you to carry out the role. The more you can tell us on this the better as it helps us when we’re shortlisting (deciding who we’d like to interview).

We’d like to meet you!

If you’re shortlisted, we’ll be in touch by phone or email. We’ll talk to you about suitable interview times and make sure you have everything you need ahead of the day. If our interviews are face to face, we’ll tell you where and who you’ll be meeting. If our interviews are online, we’ll send you all the details and if you need a helping hand when it comes to tech, we can work with you to test this out before the day.

If you need us to make any other adjustments, just let us know.

It's the big day! So what can you expect?

Our interviews are designed to do 3 key things:

  1. Teach you about Connexus. This can be from how we’re structured, the services we deliver, the team we have in place, our culture, and the way we do things. It’s a little like a first date, where we’re both trying to establish if we’re a perfect match!
  2. Ask you some questions and capture some information that tells us whether the role is right for you
  3. An opportunity for you to ask us some questions – we find interviews are a more enjoyable and beneficial experience all around if it’s a two-way conversation

As well as the conversation, for some roles we’ll also include an activity. What we do will depend on the role but could include: a task which we send to you in advance of the interview, a presentation, role play or a task which we’ll ask you to do on the day. If we’re going to include any of these, we’ll let you know so that you can prepare.

We won’t keep you hanging

We know that following your interview you want to know… did you do it, have you got the job? We all know how it feels to be left hanging and waiting for that decision, so we always aim to do this as quickly as possible. Sometimes this will be the next day, other times it may be within the week, but we’ll let you know when you can expect to hear from us at the end of your interview.

A welcome to the team, or a farewell for now

We’re always looking for the best fit and we have an approach to scoring our interviews as part of ensuring a fair and transparent process. Once we’ve met with all of the candidates, we’ll discuss who we think is best for the role and make a decision. The best bit of being a hiring manager is making that call to someone to offer them the role, so forgive us if we sound as excited as you… we are!

The hardest bit is contacting those who we haven’t offered the role to. We know we’ll be sharing disappointing news. We’re an organisation that likes to learn and improve, so we’ll always commit to sharing feedback with you on what went well and where we think things could have gone better, and equally we welcome feedback from you too.

Are you a Connexus Customer?

We have a saying here at Connexus “what matters to the customer?”, and what better way to learn more about this and improve the way we work than recruiting more of our customers to work with us! So, if you live in one of our homes and you’d like some extra support with the application and interview process, get in touch, we’re here to help.