This Property benefits from views over the Malvern Hills and is located in Bartestree. Along with the adjoining village of Lugwardine have a good range of amenities between them including a primary school, hairdressers, post office with stores, church, village hall with playing fields, and bus service to both Hereford and Ledbury.
The ground floor benefits from a cloakroom, living room, kitchen/dining room two bedrooms and bathroom and rear enclosed garden. The house benefits from two parking spaces.
Must have a local connection to the parish of Bartestree or Lugwardine, in the event of no person having a connection then a connection to Holmer, Shelwick, Hampton Bishop, Mordiford, Dormington, Weston Beggard or Withington, if no connection then cascades out to the whole of Herefordshire
Shares 35% purchase costing £87,500.00
- Rent - £345.73 PCM
- Total Service Charge including Building Insurance - £57.94 PCM
Total Monthly Cost to Connexus - £414.67
rent and service charges will be reviewed every year on 1st April
Council tax band - C
Lease length 118 years