Together with Tenants

10th February, 2021
Together with Tenants
Win Together with Tenants

Are you a Connexus customer?

Together with Tenants is an opportunity to work with us and to make sure that we make good on our promise of delivering high quality affordable housing.
  • By becoming an Involved Customer you can hold us to account and report us if we break our commitments to the Together with Tenants charter
  • Our Board will respond and take action where required
  • We want you to tell us what you think and how we can deliver even better services for you

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Be Involved - Webform

Be Involved

How would you like to be involved?

What do you want to be involved in?
What best describes your relationship with Connexus?
Your Contact Details
I'm happy for Connexus to contact me on the details I've provided above to be involved with Connexus. For more about how we process your data, see our Privicy Policy
I confirm that I am not taking legal proceedings against Connexus; and that Connexus are not taking legal proceedings against me or that I am not being prosecuted by Connexus at this time.

What does Together with Tenants mean for customers?

The Together with Tenants charter ensures that residents know exactly what they can expect from their housing association.

Connexus is a proud to be a part of Together with Tenants. It's a new national initiative that's focused on strengthening the relationships between housing associations and their customers.

We know the importance of focusing on what matters to customers and are really proud to have worked with the National Housing Federation as an "Early Adopter" on this scheme since autumn 2019.

The key commitments of the Together with Tenants Charter are:


Accountability Right up to Board level, we are held accountable by our residents. We need to work in partnership with our residents to scrutinise our services and account for decisions that affect the quality of their homes. 
Protection of rights and interests Our residents’ rights and interests will always be at the heart of what we do. If things go wrong, residents have simple and easily accessible routes to raise issues and to make complaints.  
Expectations Residents are clear about the level of services and the quality of their homes that can expect Connexus to deliver. Our relationship with our tenants is built on being open and transparent.