Your chance to get your voice heard
We're looking for residents of Shropshire to take part in a survey in partnership with Shropshire Council and other Social Landlords within the Shropshire County.
We're looking for residents of Shropshire to take part in a survey in partnership with Shropshire Council and other Social Landlords within the Shropshire County.
Tenant Voice 2021 is brought to you by Shropshire Council, Connexus, STAR Housing, Wrekin Housing Group, Bromford Housing and Shropshire Rural Housing Association.
The survey is asking you what you would like to see from an event being proposed including speakers you would like to hear from and topics you would like to learn or understand more about that effect you as a resident of Shropshire.
"We would like to invite you to a brand-new event for tenants in Shropshire. This is an event for you, for your home and for your community. In November 2021, we will be hosting Tenant Voice 2021, an event created so that tenants across the county can connect, discover and explore more about some of the key opportunities and issues facing them and their communities. Most importantly, this event is about your voice, and about your voice being heard.
As we begin to put the groundwork in place to make Tenant Voice 2021 happen, we would like your help in making sure that this year’s event is something that you would like to engage with and to be part of.
The following short survey will take no more than two/three minutes to complete and will help us to make sure that your voice is heard." Tenant Voice 2021