Residents needed for Ludlow Grain Loft

21st October, 2019
Ludlow Grain loft

Our stunning Grain Loft extension to the Marstons Hub building is completed and we need new residents! The Grain Loft offers something new and different for the people of Shropshire: low-level supported accommodation that is the ideal stepping stone towards fully independent living.

The Grain Loft is part of the redeveloped Marstons Hub, located close to the centre of Ludlow and key amenities. The 11 x 2 bedroom shared flats are available to those aged between 18 and 55 years old with a low-level support need. This is the perfect opportunity for somebody to take up a license, with support available when needed. This support can cover anything from advice on how to manage money to understanding letters and looking for work or education – preparing Grain Loft residents for their next move.

It is important that prospective new residents understand that this is a shared environment. With this shared living comes the opportunity to develop social skills and to support each other. Indeed, it avoids any social isolation of those with low-level support needs.

The Grain Loft is supported by our Ludlow Foyer service and every Grain Loft resident will have regular sessions with their keyworker, where a support and pathway plan will be agreed and reviewed at regular intervals. These meetings also provide opportunities for our Foyer support team to identify support you may need from outside agencies (including the community mental health team, addiction services, etc.).

Sound like the stepping stone you or somebody you know have been waiting for? For more information on how to apply, please contact us.