Local residents add voices to supported housing campaign

Connexus recently supported the National Housing Federation's Starts at Home campaign by asking customers to share their experiences of supported housing. Adding their voices to the campaign were young people living at Ludlow Foyer in Shropshire, which provides accommodation and support for 16–25-year-olds. Local residents showed local MP Stuart Anderson around their homes, explaining first hand what life was like at the scheme.
In the last 12 months, 34 young people have been supported by the foyer and given opportunities to learn new skills, either by taking up formal education courses or getting involved in centre-led projects. The training is individually tailored to each resident to enable them to become more independent, so that eventually they can take on a tenancy of their own.
Research by the National Housing Federation found that if it were not for supported housing services, 41,000 more people would be homeless nationally. In total more that half a million people are supported to live independently by various organisations, including housing associations.
Domonique Pugh, Deputy Younger Persons Services Manager, said: "Support services like the one at Ludlow Foyer provide a long-term safe, affordable place to live and opportunities to learn vital skills. We were delighted to support the National Housing Federation's campaign which calls for longer term government plans for funding when it comes to supported housing.
"The residents really enjoyed meeting Stuart, and showing him the work going on at the foyer. It's vital that young people are able to positively engage with politicians like this, and everyone involved got a lot from it."