Kitchen Supplier Day

12th November, 2019
Kitchen Supplier Day

What makes a good kitchen? Is it durability? Appearance? We needed some help from our tenants to find out, so we invited a few of them along to our kitchen supplier day.

Tenants were joined by teams from across Connexus, putting kitchen units from 4 suppliers to the test. Kitchens were provided by suppliers on the Central Housing Investment Consortium (CHIC) framework. Attendees were asked to complete a survey, scoring each kitchen on appearance and quality. Scores from tenants and colleagues were then collated and will be used to select our new kitchen supplier. The chosen supplier will provide kitchens for every new Connexus home from April 2020.

“Involving our tenants in the procurement progress like this has been really useful, giving us a perspective that we otherwise wouldn’t have and ensuring that we choose the right supplier to suit our tenants’ needs.”
Jayne Bissell, Group Procurement Manager