Health & Safety: Asbestos Safety

24th August, 2021

Products containing asbestos were commonly used in buildings built before the year 2000. If they are in good condition, these products are not a risk to your health.

However, you are at risk if the asbestos gets damaged, particularly if you do DIY including work such as drilling, sawing, scrubbing and sanding to parts of your home which may contain asbestos.  DIY can result in brief but high levels of exposure to asbestos fibres that put you and your family at serious long-term risk.

Asbestos was banned from buildings from the year 2000 so homes built after this date will not contain asbestos.

Asbestos Diagram

Asbestos: where it may have been used

This diagram shows you where you could find asbestos in your home; pipes, lagging, insulation board; ceilings (artex) toilet seats and cisterns, floor tiles,  gutters and soffits, cement roof sheets, roof felt and so on.

What if I think there is asbestos in my home?

Under no circumstances should you attempt to remove or work on any items you think may contain asbestos.

New Tenants

We will let you know if there has been an asbestos survey, what asbestos was found and where, when you move into your new home.

Exisiting Tenants

Contact us and we will check our records to advise if any asbestos is present. We can arrange for an asbestos survey to be carried out if we think it’s needed.

For more information on Asbestos