Dyslexia Awareness Week 2021

5th October, 2021

National Dyslexia Awareness Week 4-10 October 2021 - #lnvisibleDyslexia

Dyslexia is a learning difference, which mainly affects an individual’s writing and reading skills. Dyslexia is actually about the way someone processes information.

It is estimated that 10% of the UK population has dyslexia. It is important to recognise that those that have dyslexia who may find challenges with their reading and writing, are skilled in many other areas such as:

  • Problem Solving
  • Creative Skills
  • Design
  • Interactive Skills
  • Oral Skills


People across all walks of life have dyslexia and can be found in all areas of careers, from Doctors, scientists, surgeons to comedians, athletes, retail, education and even housing.

The thought of being judged by others, can be a barrier to someone coming forward and highlighting their dyslexia.

National Dyslexia week is a great time for us to educate ourselves about dyslexia

Also from the 4th to 10th October the British Dyslexia Association is offering a free online dyslexia awareness course, if you are interested when available, you can access it via the link here

Why not test your self?

Please complete the adult checklist atached, and if you do need to speak to someone about dyslexia, then you can contact the British Dyslexia Association for advice and information at: https://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk/

The following checklist is a ‘conversation starter’ and not a formal indicator of dyslexia. Go through the questions carefully and be as honest as you can when answering them.

Please tick either yes or no to each question. Do not miss any questions out. If in doubt tick the answer that you feel is true most often.





Comments (use this space to note any additional information, which may support answers)

1. Do you find reading under pressure difficult?




2. Do you lose your place when reading?




3. Do you read and reread the same sentence and get to the end of a paragraph and need to read it again?




4. When you read does the writing move about or seem blurred?




5. Do you sometimes mispronounce words and try to avoid saying them?




6.   If you must write for a long time, does your hand hurt?




7. Do you find it difficult organising your thoughts and getting them down on paper?




8. Did you find it difficult to learn your timetables at school?




9. Do you mix up left and right and need to use a strategy to remember?




10. Do you find it hard to stay still and maintain concentration for a while and often feel restless?




11. Do you find it difficult to find new places, use a map or follow directions?




12. Do you mix up dates and times?




13. Did you need extra help in school and/or get extra time in exams?




14. Do verbal instructions sometimes cause confusion?




15. Do you find you trip over, bump into objects and often drop items?





Seven or more ‘yes’ responses on this checklist may be an indicator of challenges. Please do investigate further and contact the British Dyslexia Association for further guidance.