Connexus places Health and Safety as top priority

28th August, 2019
Connexus places Health & Safety as a top priority

As a responsible social landlord, we are firmly committed to the safety of our customers. Following a self-referral to the regulator, it has been found that as a Group we have breached the Regulator’s Home Standard.

This breach is not good enough and as an organisation, we want to apologise to all of our customers. Health and safety is a top priority for us at Connexus and although the Regulatory Notice recognises the significant improvements made since the date the issues were identified, we are continuing to strengthen our approach.

We acknowledge that there was more we could have done to safeguard our customers and we have now strengthened our procedures to ensure we are able to act more quickly and decisively in future.

We want to reassure our customers that they are at the heart of what we do, and we are working to ensure that we meet all the necessary requirements under the Standard.

You can read and download a copy of the Regulatory Notice here.

Notes to editors

What is a Regulatory Notice?

Regulatory notices are published to set out findings from the Regulator when any registered provider has breached a consumer standard and as a result the Regulator has made a judgement that there is actual or potential serious harm to tenants.

What is a Self-Referral?

A self-referral is a referral made by ourselves to the Regulator. We referred ourselves to the Regulator and have been working with them to strengthen our approach to Health and Safety. This is a proactive step and is part of us having a transparent relationship with our Regulator and customers, in ensuring we do all we can to ensure we remain compliant with all regulatory standards.

What is the Home Standard?

The Home Standard is part of the standards that registered providers are required to meet. This specific standard focuses on quality of accommodation and repairs and maintenance. Part 1.2 (b) of the Home standard says that registered providers shall: ‘meet all applicable statutory requirements that provide for the health and safety of the occupants in their homes’.