Connexus call on Prospective Parliamentary Candidates to help #FixTheHousingCrisis

29th November, 2019
Richard Woolley, Chief Executive, supports the campaign to #FixTheHousingCrisis
Richard Woolley outside of Ludlow Grain Loft

Prospective Parliamentary Candidates for the Ludlow constituency visited the Marstons Hub development in South Shropshire earlier this week, including a tour of the revamped Ludlow Foyer youth service and all-new Grain Loft extension. Heather Kidd (Liberal Democrat), Kuldip Sahota (Labour), and Philip Dunne (Conservative) learned about forthcoming Connexus developments and the struggles faced by housing associations in providing affordable and social housing to rural communities.

The Ludlow Foyer sits in the historic Marstons Mill building, a much-loved Ludlow landmark. The Foyer service offers accommodation and support for young people, with key workers helping residents work towards employment and a full-time independent tenancy.

Darren Luter, Development Manager, talks Richard Woolley, Chief Executive, and Kuldip Sahota, Propsective Parliamentary Candidate for Labour, about the challenges of redeveloping Marstons Mill
Darren Luter, Development Manager, talks Richard Woolley, Chief Executive, and Kuldip Sahota, Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Labour, about the challenges of redeveloping Marstons Mill.


The distinctive Grain Loft extension was designed by award-winning architects K4 and features an eye-catching anodized copper exterior. The Grain Loft will house 22 residents (aged between 18 and 55) with low-level support needs and includes a large purpose-built ground floor flat to accommodate a family or an individual with mobility or accessibility requirements.

The visit came as the National Housing Federation (NHF) launched a nation-wide week of action calling for the new government to fix the housing crisis for good. As part of this, housing associations across the country are shining a spotlight on their impactful work, using the hashtag #FixTheHousingCrisis on social media.

The sector is calling for the next government to invest £12.8bn in new social housing every year for a decade. This would unlock tens of thousands of new social homes across the country, as well as supporting the economy and lowering the benefits bill.