Connexus becomes "Together with Tenants" early adopter

The National Housing Federation's plan to strengthen the relationship between housing associations, tenants and residents is underway. We love trying out new evidence-based approaches and Together with Tenants promises to be just that!
We're proud to have signed up as an ‘early adopter’ which means we'll be the first to test out the proposals, share our experiences, findings and feedback.
The Together with Tenants plan includes;
- A new requirement in our Code of Governance for boards to be accountable to their tenants and residents.
- A new charter setting out what tenants and residents can expect from their housing association landlord.
- Tenant and resident oversight and scrutiny of the charter with a report on how their landlord is doing against charter commitments.
- A closer link with regulation.
Part of this early work saw the Connexus Customer Involvement Panel (CIP) attended the first Together With Tenants meeting on May 1st. This brought together landlords and Housing Association customers from across the West Midlands and tied in with the national selection of the new national tenant advisory panel.
This new national panel will begin working with early adopters on things like;
- Advise, support and challenge to the ongoing development of the Together with Tenants work
- Assess how the elements of the offer have been implemented at a sector level by examining evidence and information
- Make recommendations to the Federation based on evidence
From June 2019 along with other early adopters we'll begin testing and evaluating proposed changes to the Together with Tenants plan and present these findings at the National Housing Summit in London on 25-26 September.
You can read more about the draft Together with Tenants plan here.