Connexus is a community focused rural housing group with over 10,500 homes across Shropshire and Herefordshire.

Tenancy support
Learn more managing your home and tenancy by reading our latest advice and tips.

Connexus Careers
Careers or jobs whatever you call them we’re passionate about providing the very best services.

Domestic Abuse Support
If you're a victim of domestic abuse and violence, or know someone who is, there is help available to escape...

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Connexus scoops Housing Technology award
Connexus is delighted to have received the Cyber Security Award at the recent Housing Technology Awards 2025.

Retrofit for the future
Connexus has partnered with Shrewsbury Colleges Group and the Marches Energy Agency to provide a unique learning opportunity for construction students.

Two new directors join top team at Connexus
Connexus welcomes two directors to its new look executive team. James Taylor has become the organisation’s new finance director, with Nick Batt appointed as director of communities and customer service.

The heat is on at Orleton Village Hall
Volunteers running a village hall in Orleton, Herefordshire, are celebrating after receiving £3000 to replace an aging heating system. The hall, which acts as a community hub for local groups of all ages, used the grant from Connexus to replace and relocate its oil tank and partly fund a new boiler.

Cup of communi-tea
Residents of Connexus independent living schemes in Hereford are enjoying their very own cafe at Bryngwyn Court.

Connexus secures additional £40m funding
Connexus has secured £40m of investment through the Affordable Homes Guarantee Scheme.